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carbon fiber bow for stranding machine
Carbon Fiber Bow for Stranding Machine, Bow Strander

carbon fiber bow for stranding machine

Cabletec is specialized in production of carbon fiber bow for stranding machine, bow strander, bow stranding machine. If you need, please contact us.
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carbon fiber bow

Funtion Compare

Steel FlyerCarbon Fiber Flyer
High speed rotation statusEasy change shape and violent vibration

Rigidity strain won' t change

shape and sall vibration
Loading beteen transmission shaft and bearing It's weight heavy and centrifugal force It's weight light and centrifugal force Loading between transaission very large so it will make heavy loading ore small 80 it will make light loading shaft and bearing Its weight heavy and centrifugal force It's weight light and centrifugal force Loading between transaission very large so it will make heavy loading ore small 80 it will make light loading shaft and bearing
Rotation rate &EffieneyBeacause it's weight heavy and centrifugal force large so rotation rate can't raiseBeacause it's weight light and centrifugal force small so ratation rate can raise and increase yiel
Damage When it broken wouldn" t hurt the otherand even the airfrane parts and the nirfrane.When it broken wouldn" t hurt the otherand even the airfrane parts and the nirfrane.It has only break
The cable quality and stability

It hasn’t conducting wire trough, when it high speeds rotating will rub against with air, So the wire would change shape with and make the quality unstable

it hasn conducting wire trough, when it high speeds rotating won't rub against with air, So the wire quality make stabley

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